Sandstrum Law – The following contains general insight into Colorado law regarding overtime, workweek, and related issues regarding employees: Employer/Employee should contact or consult [...]
Sandstrum Law – The following contains general insight into Colorado law regarding termination of at-will employees: Employer/Employee should contact or consult Sandstrum Law or an [...]
Generally, the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating are: 1. The selection of the appropriate form of business organization depends on the client’s present needs and any [...]
Sandstrum Law obtains dismissal of Bankruptcy Preference Action for a client who provided substantial work and was paid substantial fees in connection with a project for the World Trade Center. [...]
I am so proud to serve on the Board of Directors for A Precious Child over the last four years. Colorado based A Precious Child was honored Friday at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce’s [...]
Sandstrum Law wins home run ruling with back-pay (past salary) as damages against a very large funded Colorado State agency. This State agency, in our opinion, and as confirmed by an [...]